I analyze and redesign Franklin Madison’s enrollment form template. I conduct heuristic evaluations, user tests, and make direct observations as I design a new form for Franklin Madison.

We executed the end-to-end design process by first conducting discovery research to examine the problem space. This entailed analyzing historical artifacts, completing a baseline heuristic evaluation and accessibility check, creating a website map, sending out a survey, and conducting interviews.

I conducted several interviews to better understand the business’s needs when it comes to displaying content for our users.

Pot/Luck is a local community meet-up app designed by myself. Inside are the complete pitch deck and clickable prototype.

Splitwise is a free tool for friends and roommates to track bills and other shared expenses, so that everyone gets paid back. On the web, iPhone, and Android.

I, together with a small team performed a heuristic evaluation using Nielsen’s Ten Usability Heuristics. We collected our findings into this presentation, which was designed by myself.

Harvard Health Medical Publishing’s website redesign. Inside has the complete project development, from concept to prototype.